On February 3rd and 4th of 2024, the second consecutive meeting of the Citizens’ Assembly of Mostar was held in Hotel Mostar.

During the second meeting, a total of 29 recommendations were defined and in the preliminary voting, all of the recommendations recieved the support of 2/3 of Assembly members.

Recommendations were developed within four thematic areas:
I. Touristic offer and and the role of the Tourist Board
II. Organization and work of the Tourist Bord of the City of Mostar
III. Trasnportation for the purpose of tourism
IV. Digital presence and publishing information about Mostar’s touristic offers
Preliminary reccomendations can be found HERE

The following weekend, February 17th of 2024, participants will have the opportunity to discuss with the city councillors about the preliminary recommendations and a final voting is expected. Recommendations arising from this process will be transmitted to the City Administration and the City Council of the City of Mostar.
Gallery of photos from the second Citizens’ Assembly can be found HERE